
Rugby Skills Clinic

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Aspire2 Clinic News Update 24th October 23

24 October 2023
Aspire2 Clinic News Update 24th October 23

Aspire2 Clinic News Update 24th October 23

Just a quick note to remind everyone that tomorrow there is no skills clinic 24th October as we are in half term, we restart on Tuesday 31st October. Please remember that as the weather gets colder it’s important to keep warm. Wearing a beanie really helps as do rash vests (particularly when it’s wet) and jogging trousers, leggings or tights of any description. A wise person of many years once told me “any fool can be uncomfortable”. Please remember to bring fluids, gum shield etc.

We hope you have enjoyed watching the rugby world cup, there have been some cracking games and some extraordinary skills on display. If you’re watching the final couple of matches see how many different types of tackle you can identify, watch to see how players win the ball as it comes to ground from a high kick and see if you can work out how a player is feeling by their body language. Watching the game provides so much learning opportunity.

Most importantly, enjoy the break and remember that the clocks change this Sunday. The dates for the next half term are 31st October, 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th November and 5th and 12th of December (7 weeks £70.00). 

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